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Mother and Baby

Why hire a postpartum doula?

- Emotional support: Postpartum doulas provide emotional support to new parents during the delicate transition period after childbirth, offering empathy, encouragement, and a non-judgmental presence.
- Practical assistance: They assist with practical tasks such as light housekeeping, meal preparation, and running errands, allowing parents to focus on bonding with their baby and recovering from childbirth.
- Breastfeeding support: Postpartum doulas offer guidance and assistance with breastfeeding, helping parents establish a successful breastfeeding relationship with their newborn.
- Newborn care education: They provide valuable education on newborn care techniques, including bathing, diapering, soothing techniques, and safe sleep practices, empowering parents with the knowledge and confidence to care for their baby.
- Partner support: Doulas also support partners by offering guidance and reassurance, helping them navigate their role during the postpartum period and fostering a supportive environment for the entire family.
- Rest and self-care: By taking on some of the responsibilities of newborn care and household tasks, postpartum doulas help parents prioritize rest and self-care, which is crucial for their physical and emotional well-being during this demanding time.
- Sibling adjustment: For families with older children, doulas can assist with sibling adjustment by providing age-appropriate activities and support to help older siblings transition to their new role.
- Emotional processing: Doulas provide a safe space for parents to process their childbirth experience and any emotions or concerns they may have, offering validation and support as they navigate this significant life transition.


Hi, I'm Meghan...

I was inspired to become a postpartum doula after the experiences and struggles my husband and I faced after each of our own two children were born. So much care and instruction is given to mothers and fathers while they are expecting, yet once our babies come earthside, much of that support disappears and we are often left to navigate an entirely new normal on our own. It can quickly become overwhelming, and things such as sleep deprivation, feeding struggles, a messy house, lack of self-care, and the general worries over your baby's well being can lead to stress, depression, anxiety, and other postpartum mood disorders in both mothers and fathers. I want to assist other new parents and be the helping hands that we didn't have. As a trained postpartum doula (and mother), I understand that having a baby is both an exciting and challenging experience, and I want to be there to make the transition period as smooth as possible. I take pride in offering high-quality care, and my goal is to provide new parents with the support they need to not only survive the fourth trimester, but thrive.

      About Me...

  • DONA-trained Postpartum Doula and DONA International member

  • Member of Treasure Valley Doulas

  • Pursuing specialization in Infant Sleep Consulting 

  • BLS/CPR Certified for Adults, Children, and Infants

  • Former EMT 

  • Mother of two wild toddlers & two even wilder dogs

  • CA/NV native, Boise resident since 2018

A photo of Meghan with her husband and two children, two boys - one toddler and one newborn. They are playing in leaves
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